Dear All,in April I bought the tickets on your website and my Bank sent me a confirmation that the order is fully paid and money debited from my account.on the website, in my account also had information confirming my order and that a ticket I can print a few weeks before the I checked the information on the website and I was unpleasantly surprised that my order is still waiting payment, but I already paid!Please confirm that my tickets are purchased?And how can I get a ticket? will it be enough to get a ticket by email and print it?Thank you in advance,
Hi, please send the copy of the payment receipt to, so that we can check for you.
Hi,我居住香港,刚在网上购买了10月12 日的票, 因为我留的是gmail的邮件地址, 如果收不到你们的邮件 ,你们是否通过电话短信联系?尝试过修改邮件地址,但似乎无法更改。